Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And then there were...still four. But different jobs. And hopefully soon five.

Okay, we had a jam last night, just the guitars.  Adrian, Blake, Burns (Christine was there for managerial duty and moral napping).  it was


Burns is gonna be our new lead guitarist in six months, when I get demoted to rhythm (if I'm still allowed to be in this band by then).

Anyway, Burns shreds, and has amazing ideas for harmonies and rhythms and whatever, we came up with some sick stuff, and the old stuff sounds way better. Adrian can make the bass play bass stuff now, and it won't sound empty while there's lead playing. So I am effing juiced out of my mind.  This, combined with our (hopefully) new drummer may be exactly what we need to gain another few levels, and become professional musicians.

Anyway, I have to go to bed, but I don't think I'll sleep because this is too RAD.


Captain Teabag Jones

Thursday, March 3, 2011



This will be the third show we've played in under a month that is associated with a battle of the bands competition. (p.s... the title of this post would be my attempt at humor. get it? battle? warriors?... I've been watching too much Xena) This particular battle will be held in the south. 30 Everstone Blvd SW, to be exact. Attend or be all sides equal. Man, I'm on a roll today.

Currently, we've been looking into getting a new drummer so that Burns can pick up a guitar. We've wanted to add another guitar and since the guys know this guy who was a guy from high school that would fit in well with us guy's, we have done our best to recruit said guy. Guy plays drums. *Guy = Bryan Rumsey* Hopefully we'll have him up to speed and playing soon. We're pretty excited to have him on board.

We've still been having acoustic jams to write more music. So, stay tuned. We've got some siiiickk stuff coming your way :)

Over and out.