Friday, December 17, 2010

fa la la la la THE DEMO'S DONE!

   Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you're doing and listen...

   TWO DEMO TRACKS ARE NOW OFFICIALLY COMPLETE!! So, it's not horrifying. It's rather exciting. The band put alot of time and effort into these two tracks. We had a dead line to enter a battle of the bands contest, so there was a lot of pressure near the end to put together what we had. Everyone worked really hard to perfect each of their areas of expertise. Blake, then spent countless hours in his home studio mixing it all. Stress aside, it was alot of fun trying to figure out how to record these tracks to make them sound best. Case and point, we ended up sticking Paige in a closet that we picked a dead mouse out of. Not to worry, however, cause Blake bought a polka dotted blanket for sound proofing, and stuck it directly infront of her for something fun to look at! :)
We've got more songs that we're dying to show you guys. We're hoping to put together a full CD in the near future so keep a look out for that!

   We're looking forward to 2011! Wow.. 2011... that was weird to even type out... Anyway, it should be a year of much rocking out. Stay tuned, cause Without The Fall has got some big plans that will blow your minds!!

Thanks for your continued support! We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mixing is Suck

So here I am, sitting in my room, trying to mix the two songs we'll have on the demo.  This is no easy task. Who ever thought of mixing, anyway? Cruel and unusual punishment, that's what this is.  Freak.  Getting volumes just perfect, balancing bass so it sounds great in the realm it's supposed to, making crappy guitar parts sound less like crappy.  Add on top of it my complete lack of knowledge about mixing, and my extremely insensitive musical ear, you've got a recipe for SOMEONE DO THIS FOR ME!!!

Gotta get back to work!
